AIA Charlotte Committee Forms

iF you are interested in joining an AIA Charlotte committee, please submit the following form.

Please carefully read the AIA Charlotte Committee Policy document. This is important information for you and your team when making plans. 

The following supportive forms and documents are referenced in the Committee Policies and will help your committee managing its activities:

All Committees must submit the Reimbursement Form in order to receive monies spent on committee projects/events. This form with original receipts should be submitted within at least 30 days following the program. All submissions should be electronic.

The following supportive form should be submitted prior to each month's board meeting.

The following supportive form should be submitted to Alice Harry for support in creating an event registration and marketing support.

If your committee is planning an event that qualifies for continuing-education credit, the following submission worksheet, "Form A", must be submitted to the AIA Charlotte office two weeks prior to the event.

AIA Charlotte members are encouraged to start committees that will enrich the AIA Charlotte membership and the community. A Board member is necessary to sponsor the committee and this member will become the committee liaison to the Board. The application form is to make sure that there is a need for the proposed committee with no overlap of existing committees and that the proposed committee has a strategy in place to meet clearly defined objectives and goals. If you are interested in starting a Committee, please complete the Committee Application Form and submit to the AIA Charlotte office. 

In October of each year, each Committee must submit a year end report. 

AIA Charlotte logos

Questions? Contact us.

Dissolution of an Existing Committee: A committee may submit a written request to the Board for dissolution at any time. In addition, if a committee fails to submit an Annual Report to the Board that committee will be on probation for the following year with the potential for the loss of funding. If a committee fails to submit an Annual Report for two consecutive years the committee will, at the Board's discretion, be considered dissolved.

Information from AIA National

The AIA is always in need of volunteers at the local, state, and national level. Volunteering can provide opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills, manage team projects, network with your peers, and influence the profession as a whole through advocacy. Volunteering at AIA broadens an individual's perspective and often provides insight into career paths in architecture.